
Monaco Mediax Events

Event creator in the Principality of Monaco

Our know-how and expertise at your disposal

MONACO MEDIAX Events, is a bilingual (English/French), experienced, committed and dynamic team supporting its clients (companies, brands or institutions) to create the perfect event, on a small or large scale, by offering a full range of event planning and management services.

Whether your event is physical or virtual, our team adapts to your specifications and works hand in hand with you throughout the entire project. Plan your event thanks to a dedicated Project Manager who will plan your turnkey event, in perfect accordance with your requirements.*

A question ? A project ? Let's talk !

Contact us Monaco Mediax Events

« Bring excellence to your event »

Plus d'informations

Budget and contract negotiation

Thanks to our year-round collaboration with our service providers, you benefit from the best rates negotiated in the hotels and service providers operating in the Principality of Monaco.

Conference and speaker management

Our experienced team assists you in the program conception as well as topics, content and speaker selection.

Press relations and communication

Our specialized press relations and communications team is available to help you design a strategic communications and media plan, and create all the tools you need to implement it.

Logistics and technical support

We supervise the logistical and technical aspects of the event as a whole and is in direct contact with all service providers operating in the Principality of Monaco. The relationship of trust established with our service providers guarantees you a high-quality service.

Participants' & Protocol management

We manage your guests/VIPs and participants: prospection, invitation outreach, registration, accommodation reservation and hospitality (hotel reservations, airport transfers and on-site welcome). We also have access to contacts of celebrities and influencers.
We also prepare the protocol organization of your event if your participants include VIPs or officials.

On-site staff supervision

Our team is on site during your event and continues to liaise with all service providers and staff. Of course, we also provide a hostess/hostesses service and security guards.

A strong sanitary commitment

In addition to strict compliance with the usual health and safety standards applicable in our industry, we implement a special protocol to all of our events. Our team is trained to follow this protocol and a referent is on site to ensure its proper implementation.

Eco-friendly events

As a signatory of the National Pact for Energy Transition, we are committed to working alongside the Principality of Monaco to reduce the environmental impact of the events we organize.

Customized digital solutions

Our digital team offers you CUSTIUM, a sophisticated participant management tool. This tool enables the creation of personalized badges, digital access control and real-time monitoring of participation statistics. We also offer tailor-made solutions for innovative online conferences, webinars and hybrid events.

* The services above are not exhaustive and are to be adapted according to your needs.

Monaco Mediax Events, l’excellence événementielle en Principauté de Monaco
Monaco Mediax Events, l’excellence événementielle en Principauté de Monaco
Monaco Mediax Events, l’excellence événementielle en Principauté de Monaco
Monaco Mediax Events, l’excellence événementielle en Principauté de Monaco
Monaco Mediax Events, l’excellence événementielle en Principauté de Monaco
Monaco Mediax Events, l’excellence événementielle en Principauté de Monaco
Monaco Mediax Events, l’excellence événementielle en Principauté de Monaco
Monaco Mediax Events, l’excellence événementielle en Principauté de Monaco
Monaco Mediax Events, l’excellence événementielle en Principauté de Monaco
Monaco Mediax Events, l’excellence événementielle en Principauté de Monaco
Monaco Mediax Events, l’excellence événementielle en Principauté de Monaco
Monaco Mediax Events, l’excellence événementielle en Principauté de Monaco
Monaco Mediax Events, l’excellence événementielle en Principauté de Monaco
Monaco Mediax Events, l’excellence événementielle en Principauté de Monaco
Monaco Mediax Events, l’excellence événementielle en Principauté de Monaco
Monaco Mediax Events, l’excellence événementielle en Principauté de Monaco
Monaco Mediax Events, l’excellence événementielle en Principauté de Monaco
Monaco Mediax Events, l’excellence événementielle en Principauté de Monaco